Inclusion Criteria

READ includes material from a variety of far-right/ideologically motivated violent extremists (IMVE). This term has been developed by the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS), describing actors that are driven by a “range of influences, rather than by a single belief system”. It further states that:

“IMVE radicalisation is more often caused by a combination of ideas and grievances resulting in a personalised worldview that is inspired by a variety of sources including books, videos, online discussions, and conversations. The resulting worldview often centres on a willingness to incite, enable or mobilise to violence. These individuals and cells often act without a clear affiliation to a specific organised group or external guidance, but are nevertheless shaped by hateful voices and messages online that normalise and advocate violence.”

After material is sourced from forums, chan sites, Telegram channels, websites, and digital ecosystems used by extremists, each document is analysed by the READ team to determine if it meets the threshold for inclusion. Each document must be sorted into at least one of the following seven categories for it to be included in READ: